Local Truck Insurance

Local Truck Insurance

Are you a small business that runs a local trucking operation? One of the most important things you can do is to get local truck insurance for your fleet and drivers. And we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Save yourself from costly bills if your truck ever gets into an accident. At Fleet Line Insurance, we provide your business with low coverage plans. Whether your business uses trucks, tractors, semi-trucks, and just about any other vehicle combination for transporting hauls, we come up with a custom-tailored insurance plan that suits your needs.

Our insurance plans cover:
• Accidents at delivery locations – if your driver inadvertently causes damage to property at other sites, the local truck insurance coverage takes care of it.
• Injury – Take care of any medical bills and potential legal costs incurred.
• Damaged property or commodities – your commercial insurance policy can cover costs to fix the damages caused to other properties. Your general liability insurance can even save you from delivering commodities to the wrong place. Why choose us? We pride ourselves on offering insurance plans with competitive rates & discounts, with no hidden charges, access to industry experts, and amazing customer service.